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    Listening examples for new Tonal Harmony, 8e


    The new edition of Kostka, Payne, & Almen, Tonal Harmony, includes the option for an online component called "Connect," which may be bundled with the textbook or purchased in a separate subscription.  From what I can tell, the recorded examples for the text and workbook can now only be accessed through Connect.  If this is true, I think is a giant step backwards and a disturbing development.  The cost of this venerable textbook should be enough to allow students access to the recordings, in my opinion.  I have written to my McGraw-Hill rep, but have not received a reply.  Does anyone have a definitive answer?  Is it possible still to access the recordings online as it was with the previous edition?  I hope I just missed something, and there is a simple explanation.  I also apologize if I mischaracterized Connect and how it relates to the book.  Any help sorting this out would be appreciated.



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