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    Interior Cadences in the Sentence of Schoenberg

    Dear Colleagues,

    I am pleased to announce the publication of my new article “Interior Cadences in the Sentence of Schoenberg” in Musicological Annual, which is available in both hard copy and online issue. I am sure this will be an intriguing and provocative reading for those who specialize in tonal harmony and musical form. Therein I take an issue with my friend William Caplin’s notion of cadence, his allegation that all sentences lack interior cadences, and his assumption that functional prolongation inevitably negates cadence.

    You could read and download this article here:

    Dimitar Ninov – Interior Cadences in the Sentence of Schoenberg. Musicological Annual, Vol. 57 No. 1 (2021), pp. 131-148


    The topic is pretty engaging and a subject of debate, but I have always had the feeling that the traditional notion of cadence is overwhelmingly supported across the musical world, while the so-called “new concept of cadence” which only recognizes two cadential types: PAC and a root position IAC – has only been supported by the Schenkerian community. With that being said, I welcome all kinds of expressed opinions on that matter.


    Thank you. I hope you enjoy the reading.


    Dimitar Ninov

    Texas State University




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