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    Due to changing needs and technologies, the SMT Executive Board has decided to retire SMT Discuss (effective Nov. 9, 2021). Posts will be preserved for archival purposes, but new posts and replies are no longer permitted.

    Research survey on pedagogical use of music by composers from marginalized groups...

    You are invited to participate in an online survey on the pedagogical use of music by composers from marginalized groups and/or from outside the western canon in music theory. Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary, and you may opt out of any question in the survey. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Participants should be instructors of music theory in higher education teaching in the US or Canada, and they will be asked about their institutions, teaching practices, and demographic information. 

    To participate, please click on the following link: https://okstatecas.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4HDvqV8MJPP98Bn

    If you have questions about the research study itself, please contact the Dr. Kim Loeffert, Assistant Professor of Music Theory at the Michael and Anne Greenwood School of Music at Oklahoma State University at (405) 744-8998 or kim.loeffert@okstate.edu. If you have questions about your rights as a research volunteer, you may contact the IRB Office at 223 Scott Hall, Stillwater, OK 74078, 405-744-3377 or irb@okstate.edu.

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