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Hi all. More and more evidence points to indoor airborne transmission as the primary means of COVID infection. So I'm interested in teaching music theory outdoors. Past experience tells me that acoustics are a big problem, all the more so if we're distancing.
I'm thinking of a theory class of approx. 25 students. I could haul out a keyboard, an amp, and a vocal mic. Dealing with student questions and responses would be more tricky.
Does anyone have any useful experience or advice?
(There's the separate problem of video projection, which I've come to rely on more and more, but this year is all about pedagogical compromises.)
SMT Discuss Manager: smtdiscuss@societymusictheory.org
PS Two relevant articles. On ventilation and aeosol transmission: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/07/why-arent-we-talking-more-about-airborne-transmission/614737/
and on teaching outdoors (generally): https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/07/outdoor-schools-coronavirus/614680/