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    Accompaniment for Dannhaüser?

    I was recently told that accompaniments for the Dannhaüser sight reading esercises were published. Can anyone confirm this?  Does anyone have a copy that they would be willing to share?


    With appreciation,


    Cynthia I. Gonzales, Ph.D.


    Associate Professor

    2018 Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching

    President, Texas Society for Music Theory

    Texas State University

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    • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
    • Do you mean the Solfège des solfèges? You may refer to the 1891 edition by Schirmer, where the work (in three volumes) indeed is attributed to A. Dannhauser [sic]. But the history of this work is somewhat more complex. The online catalogue of the French Bibliothèque Nationale appears to indicate the following history:

      A first edition, by Carulli and Lemoine, was published in one volume in 1876, "with piano accompaniment by Gustave Carulli and Henry Lemoine, with a very large number of lessons by various authors chosen, classifyed and accompanied by A. L. Danhauser". This volume is preserved in the BNF in two versions: one with accompaniment, the other without. A second volume was published in 1878, a third one in 1881 and a fourth in 1882, each of these with the same description. An edition in 6 volumes was published in 1883, in 7 volumes in 1884, in 8 volumes in 1886, still under the name of Carulli, volumes 4 ff. by Louis Lemoine, and with "a very large number of lessons" by Danhauser.

      An edition in 10 volumes was published in 1886, but no more under the names of Carulli and H. Lemoine. The lessons in the first three volumes "chosen, classified and accompanied by Danhauser", volumes 4 and 6-10 by Louis Lemoine, and volume 5 by "modern authors". Volumes in this edition exist either with or without accompaniment.

      Editions in 19 volumes were published in 1892, 1893, 1894, 1897, 1898, 1902, 1905 and 1906; in 23 volumes in 1906, 1908, 1909; in 32 volumes in 1909; in 33 volumes in1910 and 1912, with additional lessons by Lavignac; in 34 volumes in 1913. And these volumes were republished apparently at least up to 1994. The catalogue does not mention whether they are with accompaniment.

      The BNF appears to have many separate volumes from these many editions, but no complete set of any of them, unless the very firsts. The Solfège des solfèges obviously must have been, or at least soon became a collective work. Danhauser is but one of its authors.

      I am afraid that, in order to see (some of) the accompaniments, you may have to pay a visit to the BNF.