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    Music Theory Tenure Committee Document

    I seem to recall some time ago (maybe as much as 10-15 years) a document being created by members of the Society (possibly an official committee) that was designed to help upper-level tenure committees understand how to evaluate the work of music theorists (what we do, how we publish, etc.). Does anyone know the whereabouts of this document? And if I am mistaken about the existence of this document, it would be a great idea to have something like this! 

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    • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
    • I don't know of such a document, but it sounds like a great idea.  Would NASM have anything along those lines, by chance?  It seems like this would be very useful for all music disciplines -- I know our performance faculty routinely have a hard time justifying their creative activities to those upper-level T&P committees.  And unfortunately, it leads to a lot of apples/oranges analogies like "A concert tour is the equivalent of a journal article," and "Being in charge of staging a student opera production is the equivalent of a book."