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    Due to changing needs and technologies, the SMT Executive Board has decided to retire SMT Discuss (effective Nov. 9, 2021). Posts will be preserved for archival purposes, but new posts and replies are no longer permitted.

    Pedagogy into Practice Conference

    The deadline for submissions for The Pedagogy into Practice Conference is only 12 days away! We look forward to receiving submissions from teachers, professors, and students who are actively involved in teaching theory at all levels. (https://music.appstate.edu/…/music-theory-pedago…/conference)  We are especially interested in receiving submissions for posters from students.  The highlighted poster session will encourage attendees and presenters to engage in one on one dialogue about a variety of topics.

    Awards will be given for the best student poster and student paper. These awards include both a monetary award and feature on the JMTP website, either as a peer-reviewed article or resource. We are in full planning mode for the conference and will have specific information about registration and local arrangements in the next week. Please direct any questions to Jennifer Snodgrass (snodgrassjs@appstate.edu) and Austin Patty (apatty@leeuniversity.edu)

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