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Those of you who use Variations Audio Timeliner in your courses may have noticed that recent Mac updates have rendered the program unusable. As one of the original developers of this software, I have created an updated version (Audio Timeliner 2.0) that resolves the issues, such that it should run on PCs and Macs equally well. The new version can be downloaded for free at:
For those of you who have not used this software before, Audio Timeliner is an audio annotation tool that can be used to create bubble diagrams representing musical form. The tool can also be used to navigate between sections of music or to annotate audio segments for more detailed analytical study.
Note that this version of Audio Timeliner is no longer associated with the Variations project at Indiana University. The program will still open your existing .v2t files, but now saves as .tim files. And, yes, I am interested in developing this program as an app that would work on phones and tablets. If you have experience developing apps and are interested in this possibility as well, please contact me (the program is written in Java).
Best wishes to everyone for the new semester,
SMT Discuss Manager: smtdiscuss@societymusictheory.org
This is great news Brent! Thank you!
This is fantastic news, Brent! However, when I force my Mac to open it, it gives me the error "The Java JAR file 'AudioTimeliner.jar' could not be launched. Check the Console for possible error messages." When I check the console, I see a lot of stuff that I don't understand. Any ideas?
Okay. I am testing on OS X Yosemite with java version 1.6.0_65 and seeing no issues. Can you go to the "contact" page at tinyurl.com/audiotimeliner and submit a bug report for me? Include the OS, java version (type java -version into Terminal to get this information), and any error messages.
Same for anyone else who encounters problems. Send the bugs to my site. Send accolades to SMT Discuss!
I suspect the problem is related to the version of java you have installed. Also, I wish we could bypass the "force run" step, but I would probably need to get an Apple license ($$$) for that to occur.
Oops! I meant to post as myself, not as SMT Discuss...smtdiscuss@societymusictheory.org
Somewhere in the Universe
Brent - thank you so much for developing such an awesome piece of software (along with the original team of developers), as well as for fixing the Mac issue. It has been an amazing tool for me and many others in recent years.
Since you are planning to continue to work on this as an app, would you consider taking requests for some additional (simple) functions?
As for your inquiry - I am not a software developer but I would be happy to put you in touch with a friend who is both a musician (with a DMA in composition) and a software developer. If you're interested, feel free to contact me at asafp@umich.edu and I'll make the connection.
I'm delighted to see a new version for both Mac and Windows. Thanks!
Hi, thanks a lot for the guide. I'll definitely try to do this. Hey, I'm currently looking for testing team. Do you know someone who can join? My team would be working with my former contractors from http://qatestlab.com/services/we-are-professionals-in/installation-testing/.