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  • When I taught theory 1 I gave weekly "composition" assignments leading up to a couple of complete rounded binary minuets for piano in two voices. The results were often dreadful, but that's the price you pay if you want to let students experiment wi…
  • Don't get us started--I once waited a year and a half before venturing to ask how things were going! Lately I think people are more comfortable withdrawing their submissions and sending them elsewhere after a long wait. I think three months is norma…
  • I also am interested in this topic right now, and there aren’t many 16th-c discussions of it. There’s a recent paper from Med-Ren by Felix Diergarten (available on academia.edu) that cites an improvisational formula from Gulielmus Monachus. Bonnie B…
  • I was just rereading Jean-Michel Vaccaro's geat old piece (“Anthoine de Bertrand: Las! Pour vous trop aymer.” Music Before 1600, edited by Mark Everist. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992: 175-207), where he says that Bertrand, in his preface, was maybe the fi…
  • 1. I use my book (with Christoph Neidhöfer), not surprisingly, and lots of scores. 2. They can't play the piano and they need to review harmonic progressions. 3. That's hard, and I've even had some complaints about our discussion of it. I think it's…