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    Due to changing needs and technologies, the SMT Executive Board has decided to retire SMT Discuss (effective Nov. 9, 2021). Posts will be preserved for archival purposes, but new posts and replies are no longer permitted.

    SMT Discuss is alive and well

    Dear SMT Discuss subscribers. In the past few months, some issues arose with SMT Discuss. The SMT email server was attacked, effectively disabling email notifications. Also, part of a database was corrupted, causing some online functions to fail. These issues have now been resolved and SMT Dicuss should be working as before. Please contact me, the moderator, if you experience any additional difficulties (you can post them as a reply to this discussion or email me privately). Thank you for sharing your music theory expertise on SMT Discuss. 

    Brent Yorgason, SMT Discuss Moderator

    SMT Discuss Manager
    Somewhere in the Universe
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