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Can anyone point me toward an effective third-party music theory placement exam that can be taken online? It turns out that the Moodle-specific exam our department created several years ago will not be compatible with our school's new LMS. Many thanks!
SMT Discuss Manager: smtdiscuss@societymusictheory.org
Artusi converted our placement exam to its online format during the pandemic. Perhaps contact them?
We use utheory.com. They can customize a placement test to your specifications. One benefit has been that the placement test identifies areas where students can improve, and we've had students shore up those skills over the summer (also using utheory) and then retake -- and pass -- the placement test before school starts.
You can read more here: https://info.utheory.com/customized-music-theory-placement-tests-61c97f978eed/
We have developed our own placement exam that students take on Qualtrics. It has the enormous adantage of identifying students with high aptitude, not just a certain level of achievement. This enables us to place some students in Theory I even though a traditional test would place them in Fundamentals (which obviously saves them time and money, especially if they're on scholarships that don't cover remedial coursework). You can adjust the cut-off scores; you aren't locked into FSU's standards. Appalachian State is currently using our placement test, and I think Michigan State is also using it. There may be others.
For Texas State, I authored an online theory placement test in Qualtrics, when we migrated to a new LMS. I also have a test that works in Canvas. The advantage of Qualtrics is that students don't need to be enrolled in your LMS, as either a student or a guest. I'm willing to share --